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add(double[], double[]) - Method in class wsh.opt.CoordinateTransform
Add an observation of a set of input and output coordinates You should add enough of these to determine (or overdetermine) a unique linear mapping.
add(double, double, VectConst) - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
add(double, double, VectConst) - Method in interface wsh.opt.Vect
Add a scaled version of another vector to a scaled version of this vector.
addGlobalLogFile(String) - Static method in class wsh.util.CleanHandler
All CleanHandlers will also log to this file.
addTranspose(VectConst, Vect) - Method in interface wsh.opt.LinearTransform
Apply the transpose of a linear transform model = F' data Add to existing data.
addTranspose(VectConst, Vect, VectConst) - Method in class wsh.opt.LinearTransformWrapper
addTranspose(VectConst, Vect, VectConst) - Method in interface wsh.opt.Transform
The transpose of the linearized approximation of the forward transform for a small perturbation (model) to a reference model (modelReference): model = F' data.
adjustRobustErrors(Vect) - Method in interface wsh.opt.LinearTransform
Apply any robust trimming of outliers, or scale all errors for an approximate L1 norm when squared.
adjustRobustErrors(Vect) - Method in class wsh.opt.LinearTransformWrapper
adjustRobustErrors(Vect) - Method in interface wsh.opt.Transform
Apply any robust trimming of outliers, or scale all errors for an approximate L1 norm when squared.
Almost - Class in wsh.util
This class allows safe comparisons of floating point numbers with limited precision.
Almost() - Constructor for class wsh.util.Almost
Accept default precision, appropriate for arithmetic on floats.
Almost(boolean) - Constructor for class wsh.util.Almost
Constructor that allows either double or float precision.
Almost(double) - Constructor for class wsh.util.Almost
Specify precision to be used for operations.
Almost(double, double) - Constructor for class wsh.util.Almost
Specify precision to be used for operations.
Almost(int) - Constructor for class wsh.util.Almost
Specify precision to be used for operations.
ALMOST_DOT - Static variable in class wsh.opt.VectUtil
AlmostTest - Class in wsh.util.test
Wrap another class Almost for junit testing.
AlmostTest(String) - Constructor for class wsh.util.test.AlmostTest
Standard constructor calls TestCase(name) constructor
areSame(VectConst, VectConst) - Static method in class wsh.opt.VectUtil
See if two vectors are the same.
ArrayMath - Class in wsh.util
Utility method required by a test.
ArrayMath() - Constructor for class wsh.util.ArrayMath
ArrayVect1 - Class in wsh.opt
Implements a Vect by wrapping an array of doubles.
ArrayVect1() - Constructor for class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
To be used with init()
ArrayVect1(double[], double) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
Construct from an array of data.
ArrayVect1Test - Class in wsh.opt.test
Wrap wsh.opt.ArrayVect1 for junit testing.
ArrayVect1Test(String) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.test.ArrayVect1Test
Standard constructor calls TestCase(name) constructor


between(double, double, double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
See if value is between two other values, including almost equality


cancel() - Method in class wsh.util.LogMonitor
Interrupt any further work.
checkError() - Method in class wsh.util.LoggerStream
CleanFormatter - Class in wsh.util
Format log messages without any extras.
CleanFormatter() - Constructor for class wsh.util.CleanFormatter
CleanFormatterTest - Class in wsh.util.test
Wrap wsh.util.CleanFormatter for junit testing.
CleanFormatterTest(String) - Constructor for class wsh.util.test.CleanFormatterTest
Standard constructor calls TestCase(name) constructor
CleanHandler - Class in wsh.util
An alternative to ConsoleHandler.
CleanHandler() - Constructor for class wsh.util.CleanHandler
Construct a new CleanHandler.
clone() - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
clone() - Method in interface wsh.opt.Vect
clone() - Method in interface wsh.opt.VectConst
cloneZero(VectConst) - Static method in class wsh.opt.VectUtil
Clone a vector and initialized to zero, so that out.dot(out) == 0.
close() - Method in class wsh.util.CleanHandler
close() - Method in class wsh.util.LoggerStream
cmp(double, double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Check order of two numbers, within precision.
compare(Number, Number) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
constrain() - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
constrain() - Method in interface wsh.opt.Vect
Optionally apply a hard constraint (such as an inequality) to the current vector.
CoordinateTransform - Class in wsh.opt
Find a best linear combination of input coordinates to fit output coordinates.
CoordinateTransform(int, int) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.CoordinateTransform
Constructor sets number of input and output coordinates.
CoordinateTransformTest - Class in wsh.opt.test
Wrap wsh.opt.CoordinateTransform for junit testing.
CoordinateTransformTest(String) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.test.CoordinateTransformTest
Standard constructor calls TestCase(name) constructor
copy(double[][]) - Static method in class wsh.util.ArrayMath
Deep copy of a double array
copy(Vect, VectConst) - Static method in class wsh.opt.VectUtil
Copy the state of one vector onto another.


DBL_EPSILON - Static variable in class wsh.util.MathPlus
The smallest double value e such that (1+e) does not equal 1.
dispose() - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
dispose() - Method in class wsh.opt.TransformQuadratic
Free up internal cached vectors
dispose() - Method in interface wsh.opt.Vect
Optionally free any resources held by this object.
divide(double, double, boolean) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Safely divide one number by another.
divide(double, double, double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Safely divide one number by another.
dot(VectConst) - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
dot(VectConst) - Method in interface wsh.opt.VectConst
Return the Cartesian dot product of this vector with another vector (not including any inverse covariance).
DOUBLE - Static variable in class wsh.util.Almost
This instance uses default double precision


equal(double, double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
See if two numbers are almost equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
evalFullObjectiveFunction(VectConst) - Method in class wsh.opt.TransformQuadratic
Evaluate the full objective function without approximation.


filter(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class wsh.util.Localize
Prefer other methods for standard localization.
filter(String, ResourceBundle) - Static method in class wsh.util.Localize
Filter the specified string with the specified resource bundle.
FLOAT - Static variable in class wsh.util.Almost
This instance uses default float precision
FLT_EPSILON - Static variable in class wsh.util.MathPlus
The smallest float value e such that (1+e) does not equal 1.
flush() - Method in class wsh.util.CleanHandler
flush() - Method in class wsh.util.LoggerStream
format(String, Object...) - Method in class wsh.util.Localize
Format a localized message, with java.util.Formatter and the appropriate resource.
format(LogRecord) - Method in class wsh.util.CleanFormatter
forward(Vect, VectConst) - Method in interface wsh.opt.LinearTransform
Apply the linear transform data = F model Zero the current data, and do not add.
forwardLinearized(Vect, VectConst, VectConst) - Method in class wsh.opt.LinearTransformWrapper
forwardLinearized(Vect, VectConst, VectConst) - Method in interface wsh.opt.Transform
A linearized approximation of the forward transform for a small perturbation (model) to a reference model (modelReference).
forwardNonlinear(Vect, VectConst) - Method in class wsh.opt.LinearTransformWrapper
forwardNonlinear(Vect, VectConst) - Method in interface wsh.opt.Transform
Non-linear transform: data = f(model).
function(double) - Method in interface wsh.opt.ScalarSolver.Function
Return a single value as a function of the argument


GaussNewtonSolver - Class in wsh.opt
Solve least-squares inverse of a non-linear Transform.
GaussNewtonSolverTest - Class in wsh.opt.test
Solve least-squares inverse of a Transform.
GaussNewtonSolverTest(String) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.test.GaussNewtonSolverTest
Standard constructor calls TestCase(name) constructor
ge(double, double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Check whether first number is greater than or equal to second.
get(double[]) - Method in class wsh.opt.CoordinateTransform
For a given set of input coordinates, return the linearly predicted output coordinates.
getB() - Method in interface wsh.opt.Quadratic
Get the linear gradient term b of the quadratic expression.
getB() - Method in class wsh.opt.TransformQuadratic
Return gradient term of quadratic.
getData() - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
Get the embedded data
getEpsilon() - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Get the smallest positive number that can be added to 1 before the number is considered different from 1.
getMessage(Throwable) - Static method in class wsh.util.Localize
Get the best localized message from a Throwable that may contain other Throwables as a cause.
getMinValue() - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Get the smallest positive value that should be distinguished from zero.
getProgressReport(long, long, double, double) - Static method in class wsh.util.LogMonitor
Get a user-viewable String describing the progress and completion time.
getResourceBundle(Class<?>, String, Locale) - Static method in class wsh.util.Localize
Get a resource bundle associated with a class.
getSize() - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
Return the size of the embedded array
getTransposePrecision() - Method in class wsh.opt.TransformQuadratic
Run a few tests to ensure that transpose satisfies definition.
getTransposePrecision(VectConst, VectConst, LinearTransform) - Static method in class wsh.opt.VectUtil
Return the number of significant digits in the dot product when calculated with and without the transpose.
getTransposePrecision(VectConst, VectConst, Transform) - Static method in class wsh.opt.VectUtil
Return the number of significant digits in the dot product when calculated with and without the transpose.
gt(double, double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Check whether first number is strictly greater than second.


hashCode() - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
hashCodeOf(Number) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Return a hashcode consistent with imprecise floating-point equality.
hashCodeOf(Number, int) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Return a hashcode consistent with imprecise floating-point equality.


init(double[], double) - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
Construct from an array of data.
initReport(double) - Method in class wsh.util.LogMonitor
initReport(double) - Method in interface wsh.util.Monitor
Initialize the fraction of the work that was completed when the process started.
initReport(double) - Method in class wsh.util.PartialMonitor
inverseHessian(Vect) - Method in interface wsh.opt.LinearTransform
To speed convergence multiple a model by an approximate inverse Hessian.
inverseHessian(Vect) - Method in interface wsh.opt.Quadratic
Multiply vector by an approximate inverse of the Hessian.
inverseHessian(Vect) - Method in class wsh.opt.TransformQuadratic
inverseHessian(Vect, VectConst) - Method in class wsh.opt.LinearTransformWrapper
inverseHessian(Vect, VectConst) - Method in interface wsh.opt.Transform
To speed convergence multiple a model by an approximate inverse Hessian.
isCanceled() - Method in class wsh.util.LogMonitor
isCanceled() - Method in interface wsh.util.Monitor
If true, then any further progress should be cancelled.
isCanceled() - Method in class wsh.util.PartialMonitor


le(double, double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Check whether first number is less than or equal to second.
LinearTransform - Interface in wsh.opt
Define methods applying a linear transform and its transpose
LinearTransformWrapper - Class in wsh.opt
Wrap a LinearTransform as a non-linear Transform, by ignoring reference model.
LinearTransformWrapper(LinearTransform) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.LinearTransformWrapper
Localize - Class in wsh.util
Localize messages for end users, using a Formatter pattern and a localized resource bundle.
Localize(Class<?>) - Constructor for class wsh.util.Localize
Construct for localized messages.
Localize(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class wsh.util.Localize
Construct for localized messages.
Localize(Class<?>, String, Locale) - Constructor for class wsh.util.Localize
Construct for localized messages.
LocalizeTest - Class in wsh.util.test
Wrap wsh.util.Localize for junit testing.
LocalizeTest(String) - Constructor for class wsh.util.test.LocalizeTest
Standard constructor calls TestCase(name) constructor
LoggerStream - Class in wsh.util
Wrap a Logger as a PrintStream.
LoggerStream(Logger, Level) - Constructor for class wsh.util.LoggerStream
Wrap a Logger as a PrintStream .
LogMonitor - Class in wsh.util
Report progress to default Logger
LogMonitor(String, Logger) - Constructor for class wsh.util.LogMonitor
Progress will be reported to this Logger.
lt(double, double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Check whether first number is strictly less than second.


magnitude() - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
magnitude() - Method in interface wsh.opt.VectConst
This is the dot product of the vector with itself premultiplied by the inverse covariance.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.opt.test.ArrayVect1Test
Run all tests with text gui if this class main is invoked
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.opt.test.CoordinateTransformTest
Run all tests with text gui if this class main is invoked
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.opt.test.GaussNewtonSolverTest
Run all tests with text gui if this class main is invoked
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.opt.test.QuadraticSolverTest
Run all tests with text gui if this class main is invoked
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
Run all tests with text gui if this class main is invoked
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.util.CleanHandler
Test code
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.util.LoggerStream
test code
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.util.LogMonitor
run tests
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.util.test.AlmostTest
Run all tests with text gui if this class main is invoked
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.util.test.CleanFormatterTest
Run all tests with text gui if this class main is invoked
main(String[]) - Static method in class wsh.util.test.LocalizeTest
Run all tests with text gui if this class main is invoked
MathPlus - Class in wsh.util
Constants required by a test.
MathPlus() - Constructor for class wsh.util.MathPlus
Monitor - Interface in wsh.util
Implement this interface to receive notifications of progress
multiplyHessian(Vect) - Method in interface wsh.opt.Quadratic
Multiply vector by the quadratic Hessian H.
multiplyHessian(Vect) - Method in class wsh.opt.TransformQuadratic
Multiply by Hessian H = F'NF + M
multiplyInverseCovariance() - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
multiplyInverseCovariance() - Method in interface wsh.opt.Vect
Optionally multiply a vector by the inverse covariance matrix.


NULL_MONITOR - Static variable in interface wsh.util.Monitor
Empty implementation that does nothing.


outside(double, double, double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
See if value is outside two other values.
overrideExistingHandlers(Level) - Static method in class wsh.util.CleanHandler
Override any previously specified Handlers with the CleanHandler, and set Level.


PartialMonitor - Class in wsh.util
Wrap an existing Monitor with a partial range.
PartialMonitor(Monitor, double, double) - Constructor for class wsh.util.PartialMonitor
An existing Monitor will be wrapped for progress in a limited range.
postCondition() - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
postCondition() - Method in interface wsh.opt.Vect
Apply a linear filter that enhances components that should be optimized first, and suppresses components of lesser importance.
prependToLines(String, String) - Static method in class wsh.util.CleanFormatter
Prepend a string to every line of text in a String
println() - Method in class wsh.util.LoggerStream
println(Object) - Method in class wsh.util.LoggerStream
println(String) - Method in class wsh.util.LoggerStream
project(double, double, VectConst) - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
project(double, double, VectConst) - Method in interface wsh.opt.Vect
Project another vector onto the space of this vector, then scale, and add to a scaled version of this vector.
publish(LogRecord) - Method in class wsh.util.CleanHandler


Quadratic - Interface in wsh.opt
Define a second-order quadratic operation on a Vector 0.5 x'Hx + b'x where H is a positive semidefinite quadratic and b is a linear gradient.
QuadraticSolver - Class in wsh.opt
Minimize a simple quadratic objective function.
QuadraticSolver(Quadratic) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.QuadraticSolver
Implement the Quadratic interface and pass to this constructor.
QuadraticSolverTest - Class in wsh.opt.test
Wrap wsh.opt.QuadraticSolver for junit testing.
QuadraticSolverTest(String) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.test.QuadraticSolverTest
Standard constructor calls TestCase(name) constructor


reciprocal(double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
Safely take the reciprocal of a number.
report(double) - Method in class wsh.util.LogMonitor
report(double) - Method in interface wsh.util.Monitor
This method will be called with the current fraction of work done.
report(double) - Method in class wsh.util.PartialMonitor


ScalarSolver - Class in wsh.opt
Search a single variable for a value that minimizes a function
ScalarSolver(ScalarSolver.Function) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.ScalarSolver
ScalarSolver.Function - Interface in wsh.opt
Implement a function of one variable to be minimized
ScalarSolverTest - Class in wsh.opt.test
Wrap wsh.opt.ScalarSolver for junit testing.
ScalarSolverTest(String) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
Standard constructor calls TestCase(name) constructor
scale(Vect, double) - Static method in class wsh.opt.VectUtil
Scale a vector by a scalar constant.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class wsh.util.Almost
setDefaultHandler() - Static method in class wsh.util.CleanHandler
If the user has not specified a java property for the global Handler, then set the default global handler to this CleanHandler at an INFO level.
setExpensiveDebug(boolean) - Static method in class wsh.opt.GaussNewtonSolver
Turn on expensive checking of transform and vector properties during solving of equations.
setUp() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ArrayVect1Test
setUp() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.CoordinateTransformTest
setUp() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.GaussNewtonSolverTest
setUp() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.QuadraticSolverTest
setUp() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
setUp() - Method in class wsh.util.test.AlmostTest
setUp() - Method in class wsh.util.test.CleanFormatterTest
setUp() - Method in class wsh.util.test.LocalizeTest
setWarningPrefix(String) - Static method in class wsh.util.CleanFormatter
Prefix a string to all warnings or severe errors We use this method only for unit tests, to distinguish the source of warnings.
solve(double, double, double, double, int, Monitor) - Method in class wsh.opt.ScalarSolver
Minimize a function of scalar and return the optimum value.
solve(int, Monitor) - Method in class wsh.opt.QuadraticSolver
Return a new solution after the number of conjugate gradient iterations.
solve(VectConst, VectConst, LinearTransform, boolean, int, Monitor) - Static method in class wsh.opt.QuadraticSolver
Solve quadratic objective function for linear transform.
solve(VectConst, VectConst, VectConst, Transform, boolean, int, int, int, double, Monitor) - Static method in class wsh.opt.GaussNewtonSolver
Solve nonquadratic objective function with Gauss Newton iterations.
suite() - Static method in class wsh.opt.test.ArrayVect1Test
This automatically generates a suite of all "test" methods
suite() - Static method in class wsh.opt.test.CoordinateTransformTest
This automatically generates a suite of all "test" methods
suite() - Static method in class wsh.opt.test.GaussNewtonSolverTest
This automatically generates a suite of all "test" methods
suite() - Static method in class wsh.opt.test.QuadraticSolverTest
This automatically generates a suite of all "test" methods.
suite() - Static method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
This automatically generates a suite of all "test" methods.
suite() - Static method in class wsh.util.test.AlmostTest
This automatically generates a suite of all "test" methods
suite() - Static method in class wsh.util.test.CleanFormatterTest
This automatically generates a suite of all "test" methods.
suite() - Static method in class wsh.util.test.LocalizeTest
This automatically generates a suite of all "test" methods.


tearDown() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ArrayVect1Test
tearDown() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.CoordinateTransformTest
tearDown() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.GaussNewtonSolverTest
tearDown() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.QuadraticSolverTest
tearDown() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
tearDown() - Method in class wsh.util.test.AlmostTest
tearDown() - Method in class wsh.util.test.CleanFormatterTest
tearDown() - Method in class wsh.util.test.LocalizeTest
test(VectConst) - Static method in class wsh.opt.VectUtil
Exercise all methods of Vect.
testAll() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ArrayVect1Test
Run unit tests.
testAll() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.CoordinateTransformTest
Test CoordinateTransform class
testAll() - Method in class wsh.util.test.LocalizeTest
Junit test code
testAlmostObjectMethod() - Method in class wsh.util.test.AlmostTest
test Object methods
testEverything() - Method in class wsh.util.test.AlmostTest
Run some test code.
testFormatter() - Method in class wsh.util.test.CleanFormatterTest
Unit tests
testHashCode() - Method in class wsh.util.test.AlmostTest
test the hash code algorithm
testLeftHandSide2() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
Unit test
testLinearObjFunc() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
Unit test
testLogger() - Static method in class wsh.util.CleanHandler
Call this from your code to test each type of log message
testMain() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.GaussNewtonSolverTest
Unit test code.
testNaNs() - Method in class wsh.util.test.AlmostTest
test handling of nans
testNonUnitScalarRange() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
Unit test
testParabola() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
Unit test
testPositiveCurvature() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
Unit test
testPrepend() - Method in class wsh.util.test.CleanFormatterTest
Test prependToLines method
testQS() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.QuadraticSolverTest
Junit test of QuadraticSolver
testRightHandSide() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
Unit test
testStepFunction() - Method in class wsh.opt.test.ScalarSolverTest
Unit test
timeWords(long) - Static method in class wsh.util.Localize
Convert a number of seconds into words
toString() - Method in class wsh.opt.ArrayVect1
toString() - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
toString() - Method in class wsh.util.Localize
Transform - Interface in wsh.opt
Implement a non-linear transform and its linearizations for a non-linear optimization.
TransformQuadratic - Class in wsh.opt
For a linearized transform, implement the Gauss-Newton quadratic approximation of a damped least-squares objective function.
TransformQuadratic(VectConst, VectConst, VectConst, Transform, boolean) - Constructor for class wsh.opt.TransformQuadratic
Wrap known data, reference mode, and transform as a Gauss-Newton objectiveFunction.


Vect - Interface in wsh.opt
Implement a vector supporting linear vector-space methods Test your implementation with VectUtil.test().
VectConst - Interface in wsh.opt
Vector operations that do not change the state of the vector
VectUtil - Class in wsh.opt
Implements convenience methods for Vect.


wsh.opt - package wsh.opt
wsh.opt.test - package wsh.opt.test
wsh.util - package wsh.util
wsh.util.test - package wsh.util.test


zero(double) - Method in class wsh.util.Almost
See if the number is almost zero
zero(Vect) - Static method in class wsh.opt.VectUtil
Set the magnitude of this vector to zero, so that this.dot(this) == 0.
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